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Bedtime Song

The time has come to say goodnight
To say sleep tight til the morning light.
Oh the time has said to stay goodnight
It's the end of a lovely day
We've have so much fun today
Tomorrow's just a dream away
And now it's time to say goodnight
At the end of a lovely day


Big and Small Theme Tune

It doesn't matter if you're tiny or tall,
It doesn't matter if you're BIG or SMALL.
If you wanna have fun, it doesn't matter at all.
You got it, BIG!
Why thank you SMALL!
Skipping, flipping, climbing up a rope,
Hiding, riding, sliding down a slope.
Skating on an ice cube, swinging on a star…
It makes no difference, what size you are.
If you wanna have fun it doesn't matter at all!
'Cos here we are, we're BIG and SMALL.


Birthday Song

Happy, happy, happy, happy, birthday to you,
Have a happy day today.
Everybody here wishes you a happy birthday,
Have a happy day today!
Are you one, are you two, are you three, are you four?
Are you five, six, seven, or maybe more?
CBeebies (кто-то еще) wishes you a happy birthday with lots of birthday cards through your door.
Happy Birthday!


Crystal the Croc Song

Crystal the croc is a very busy doc,
She's always clean and always neat,
And has this thing to test your heartbeat.
Stethoscope, diagnose,
Open wide, blow your nose.
Operate, rest in bed,
Get that saucepan off his head.
Breathe in, touch your toes,
Open wide, blow your nose.
Put a plaster on his head.
No jumping on the bed.
So if you're feeling poorly,
Or a little unwell,
Crystal the croc's the one to tell.


Bathtime Song

It's bathtime!
Mud, mud, mud galore
Dirt is lots of fun
But you need a nice warm bath when the day is done
Wash, wash, wash yourself until you're nice and clean
From your head down to your toes and all the bits between.


Bedtime Business Song

It's time to do your bedtime business, your bedtime business.
Put your PJs on and sing with all your might.
Do your bedtime business, every kind of business,
Then hopefully you'll sleep right through the night.
Brush your teeth and wash your face,
And tidy up the place.
Have a wee and don't forget to pull the chain.
Bedtime business, bedtime business.
Bedtime business, your bedtime business. Put your PJs on and sing with all your might.
Do your bedtime business, every kind of business,
Then hopefully you'll sleep right through the night.
Then hopefully, hopefully you'll sleep right through the night.


Barry the Bear Song

Barry the bear is on the beat,
Keeping the peace on Long and Short Street.
Traffic jams, lost property,
Everything solved with a cup of tea.
Got a problem, he’ll take a look,
And write some notes in his little black book.
Barry the Bear,
He'll look after you.
Barry the Bear,
He's always there for you.
Barry the Bear,
Is on his beat.
Something to report?


Boo Song

Hello Little Bo
Hello, how are you?
The sky is blue,
It’s a beautiful day!
You’re walking along
Humming a song
Then Boo!
I jump out at you! Ha!
Boo (here), Boo (there)
Boo! In the middle
Boo (round), Boo (square)
Boo! What a giggle,
Should have seen your face,
Boo! Boo! Boo!
All over the place.
You don’t have to close your eyes
If I say Boo! It’s a big surprise
And if you want to Boo! Me too!
Jump out at me and just say Boo!
Boo (here), Boo (there)
Boo! In the middle
Boo (round), Boo (square) boo
Boo! What a giggle,
Boo! Boo! Should have seen your
Boo! Boo! Boo!
All over the place.
Boo (here) Boo (there)
Boo! In the middle
Boo (round) boo (square)
Boo! What a giggle
Boo! Boo!In outer space
Boo! Boo! Boo!


Carmen the Chicken Song

I am Carmen, I'm a chicken.
And I cooka for you when you come in.
My café is very nice,
I cook pasta, I cook rice.
Carmen the chicken,
What a brilliant cook?
She knows all the recipes in the recipe book.
Pizza, pasta, carbonara,
I can cooka them all.
Carmen sets the timer,
And it's getting very hot.
The temperature is rising,
And she starts to sweat a lot.
The food it is a coming,
But you know you've gotta to wait.
Here comes your spaghetti now,
It's on the plate.
What a woulda you like?


It's Big Fun Time!

What time is it?
It's Big Fun Time
It's time to have fun you're with
(с кем-то еще) Cbeebies
Big Fun Time!
The work's done for the day so please enjoy
Big Fun Time!
We've got so much to entertain you
Big Fun Time!
With friends, and songs and jokes we've got it all
You'll have fun with me
It's Big Fun Time
You know you'll have a ball!

One, Two, Jump Up High
One, two, jump up high,
Three, four, touch the sky.
Five, six, let's do some tricks,
Let's do some tricks.


Away in a Manger

Away in a manger,
No crib for a bed,
The little Lord Jesus lay down his sweet head.
The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay,
The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay.



Ants, ants, join in the dance
Creepy crawly, wriggly ants
Six legs forward
Arms to the sky Waggle those legs
Way up high.
Ants, ants, join in the dance
Creepy crawly, wriggly ants
Circle right, circle dance
Waggle your bott
Ants in my pants
Ants ants join in the dance
Creepy crawly, tickly ants
Follow the Queen
And get in line Hands on hips
Heads up high
Ants ants join in the dance
Creepy crawly wriggly ants.
Circle right, circle dance
Waggle your bott
Ants in your pants!


Archie, the Inventor

I'm Archie, the Inventor
I know how things are done
I can make absolutely anything
Inventing things is fun!
I'm always, on the lookout
For things that I might use
Collecting odds and ends from all of my friends
To make a little treat for you
Take a box, and some yoghurt pot tops
Hey - it's a car!
Inventing with Archie is never a bore
Come on let's make some more…
Build a rocket from a squidgy bottle
And stick on bits of junk
Here's a crazy clip clop puppet
Dancing to the honky tonk
I'm Archie, the Inventor
I know how things are done
I can make absolutely anything
Inventing things is fun!
I'm always, on the lookout
For things that I might use
Collecting odds and ends from all of my friends
To make a little treat for you

The Fimbles on the Bus

Fimbo on the bus goes beep, beep, beep,
Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.
Fimbo on the bus goes beep, beep, beep,
All day long.
Florrie on the bus goes look, look, look,
Look, look, look, look, look, look.
Florrie on the bus goes look, look, look,
All day long.
Baby Pom on the bus goes wave, wave, wave,
Wave, wave, wave, wave, wave, wave.
Baby Pom on the bus goes wave, wave, wave,
All day long.
Rockit on the bus goes hop, hop, hop,
Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop.
Rockit on the bus goes hop, hop, hop,
All day long.
Roly on the bus goes bump, bump, bump,


Baa Baa Black Sheep

Baa baa black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir,
Three bags full.
One for the master,
One for the dame,
One for the little boy who lives down the lane.
"Thank you" said the master,
"Thank you" said the dame,
"Thank you" said the little boy who lived down the lane.
Baa baa black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir,
Three bags full.
One for the master,
One for the dame,
One for the little boy who lives down the lane.

Chinese New Year

It's the Chinese New Year
All the Tweenies are here
It's such a happy sound
When the cymbals crash And Milo's drums go bash
The lion comes around
Oh the Happy New Year lion
Is coming around your way
The Happy New Year lion
Is down your street today
See him dance and tumble
See him skip and sway
Oh the Happy New Year lion
Is coming out to play
It's the Chinese New Year
ll the Tweenies are here
Say Hip Hooray Cos it's New Years day
The lion's on the run
Its time for every Boy and girl
To come and join the fun
Oh the Happy New Year lion
Is coming around your way
The Happy New Year lion
Is down your street today
See him dance and tumble
See him skip and sway
For the Happy New Year lion
Is coming out to play

It’s fun to play

With your friends everyday,
You want to make it last forever
But keep in your head
What the tweenies said
Then we’ll all play safe together
Yes! We’ll all play safe together
Clean! Clean! Cleaning Stuff!
It’s all about Cleaning Stuff!
Clean! Clean! Cleaning Stuff!
What should we do with Cleaning Stuff!!
Kept in a cupboard
Or under the sink
If you see these things
Just stop and think
Don’t go near, keep well away
Don’t ever touch
Or use them… to play
It’s fun to play with your friends everyday then we’ll all play safe together.

Colour Song

Is it Yellow,
Is it Pink,
Is it Orange, what do you think?
Is it Red, Green,
Blue or White
Which coloured house do you think is right?
Yellow house,
Orange house,
Blue, Pink or White?
Green house,
Red house,
Which do you think is right?
Which coloured house are we going to
Tell me what do you think?
Which coloured house are we going to
Tell me what do you think?

Dancing Rose Song

The music of the river,
Splashing all around,
How can I be lonely,
When I hear that lovely sound?
My feet just have to dance,
My feet just have to dance,
Whenever I hear that sound.
My darling hippopotamus
You are a friend so true,
How can I be lonely,
When I've a friend like you?
My feet just have to dance,
My feet just have to dance,
Whenever I think of you.
Whenever I think of you.

Eric the Elephant Song

Eric is big but no job is too small,
He's Opposite's firefighter and always on call.
(I'm on my way)
Eric the elephant,
It's an emergency.
Eric the elephant,
There's a cat up a tree.
His ladder is tall, but he won't fall.
Eric the elephant,
It's an emergency.
Eric the elephant,
There's a cat up a tree.
With his big, long nose,
He doesn't need a hose.
He'll put the fire out with his watery snout.
Eric the elephant!

Ethelbert the Tiger Song

Where shall we go Ethelbert?
When Ethelbert comes out to play,
He makes a new friend everyday.
He travels on a magic trail,
Ethelbert, a tiger's tale.
When Ethelbert comes out to play,
He makes a new friend everyday.
He travels on a magic trail,
Ethelbert, a tiger's tale.
When Ethelbert comes out to play,
He makes a new friend everyday.
He travels on a magic trail,
Ethelbert, a tiger's tale.

Finley the Fire Engine Song

Finley the Fire Engine.
That’s the sound, the sound of his sirens.
Finley the Fire Engine.
Here comes Finley, it's time to play.
Ring, ring, ring - somebody's calling.
Clang, clang, clang – there goes the bell.
Zoom, zoom, zoom – rev up your engines.
Here comes Finley and all his friends.
Finley the Fire Engine.
Hear the sound, the sound of his sirens.
Finley the Fire Engine.
Here comes Finley, it's time to play.
Ring, ring, ring – let's play with Finley.
Clang, clang, clang – hear the bell ring.
Zoom, zoom, zoom – rev up your engines.
Here comes Finley and all his friends.
Finley the Fire Engine.
That’s the sound, the sound of his sirens.
Finley the Fire Engine.
Here comes Finley, it's time to play. | |
